We find 3 things important:
- Speed: few approvals, few meetings, few layers of people
- High Standards: always reject bad work even if it feels bad
- Invention: we ask “what if” a lot
🌤️ Our Culture
- Our org is flat—everyone reports to the top.
- We aim to stay as small as possible. We’d rather have 10 outstanding people making 100k each than 40 average people making 25k each.
- We give everyone freedom. We don’t track how you use your time or your leaves. Everyone gets freedom, trust, and high expectations.
- We don’t care about titles and seniority. We don’t require any particular schools or courses. Age doesn’t increase pay. (Skills do)
- We value great work above relationships. We’re friends with our team, but we’re here because we find fulfillment in our work, not because of friendship.
- We don’t believe in work-life-balance but also don’t believe in skipping sleep or being miserable. Everyone works a reasonable 40 hour week, but we’re fully immersed, not passive.
- We frown upon freeloaders, short-term thinking, mediocrity, and entitlement.
- Beyond the initial training to start, we provide no fancy training or mentorship programs. (We give a lot of feedback instead!) Everyone self-learns.
- We keep an introverted culture. Few meetings. Commute only when necessary. No large gatherings where you’re pressured to attend.
- We openly express anger and disappointment when helpful—we don’t smile and brush issues under the rug. But we never abuse people.
- We don’t expect people to love work (big word yeah), but we expect everyone to find the challenge meaningful and rewarding.